Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Taco John for Taco Bell

Just to let you all know, I will be lending a hand to update you all about my adventures at work/Taco Bell.

First I'll give you a little detail about me, My name is John, I work for the Taco Bell in Katy Texas (it is right outside of Houston). My shifts is to close thus I'm labeled a 'Closer' and it is a very pesky thing to do, thats why us closers get paid more then cashiers (hah). I'm 19 years old and of course a guy (Has there ever been a female named John before? I'll have to search that somtime). Any questions just feel free to ask/comment, it is time to get this blog going again.

Over the next few days I will let you all know my usual routine on how we close, the low-down on our soon to release new item(and my terrible score on making it), a brief review of my co-workers, and of course a few insane and crazy stories that I promise are true. Till then later!!


1 comment:

Testing said...

Welcome aboard John and I hope we hear from your Taco Bell alot.
Good luck